“The days are long but the years are short” is a quote from Gretchen Rubin. She must be in my head. Two nights ago, my son found an old video …
Creating a more positive world – Experiment #1
Effort Level: Low Impact on Others: Moderate direct impact and probable extended impact beyond those you talk with directly Time Investment: 2-5 seconds Hypothesis: We can infuse positive energy into …
My son is 8. We let him watch Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone two nights ago. “Tsk, tsk,” you might scold. Or, perhaps some of you are saying, “It’s …
Four field-tested questions to improve yourself in anything
Recently, I field tested four questions to gather input from my team at work about how I’ve been performing. The insights they provided were significant epiphanies for me. Given the …
The Coat Closet
When we moved to Florida from Colorado and started looking to buy a house, it struck as funny that finding a ‘coat closet’ in homes and Florida was a rare …
I met my ego recently. I told it to pipe down.
A couple weeks ago, my boss and I were asked to facilitate a strategic planning session for the recently appointed Chief Information Officer and his leadership team. We had built …
We are evolving, people.
I studied evolution in school. I’m sure you did too. Not sure if you realize it, but we are in the midst of evolution. Right now. The world is changing …
Experimenting with Life
If you’ve never heard of A.J. Jacobs, I encourage you to look him up. He’s an award-winning journalist and best-selling author who has made him the guinea pig of ‘lifestyle …
Subtraction-ism: The art of taking away to gain
What if…this new year, rather than adding more, you (we) identify what to remove. Here are a few ideas: The snooze button Sugar Alcohol A toxic relationship The litany of …
When It Rains in Florida
When it rains in Florida… I lay in bed and listen to the soundtrack. It gushes from the sky and its landing on the tile roof makes my heart …