Land three paid-speaker gigs in 2018
- Register with a speaker bureau
- Figure out my platform
Master the chin stand from Sunbird Bow in 2018
- Attend an arm balance workshop
- Every time there’s a chance to practice in class…do it
- Ask yoga instructor for help
Publish my children’s book manuscript with a traditional publisher before I’m 45
- Attend South Florida Writers Conference
Give $1M in scholarships to college-bound women in the next 40 years
- Develop criteria for selection
- Define how much each year to give away to reach $1M
- Open a separate account to dedicate money
- Align with Martin
Call my mom and dad 3x a week
- Schedule it in my calendar
Own lakefront property before I’m 45
- Visualize it
- Decide if primary or secondary residence
- Research best lakes
2019 Updates
Self-publish my children’s book manuscript by June 2019
- Identify illustrator
- Learn how to publish via Amazon
Submit book proposal to traditional publisher by August 2019
- Identify topic
- Find formatting guidelines