You’re not supposed to keep going, and going.
You need a rest now and then.
Stay open to the clues that it’s time for a break.
To breathe.
The signs are sneaky…often coming incognito:
- The quick frustration.
- The emotions at the surface.
- The sadness.
This is when…
- You take a morning walk.
- Listen to a playlist and write.
- Worship something bigger than yourself.
- Play with a child.
- Paint.
- Breathe (and notice your breath).
- Find ways to serve others.

Sheryl Sanberg and Adam Grant shared with CNBC that while doing research for their book Option B, they found that “… if employees feel they are doing others a service, is shown to curb burnout and depression.

‘In companies, nonprofits, government and the military,” Sandberg writes, ”[Adam] finds that the more people believe their jobs help others, the less emotionally exhausted they feel at work and the less depressed they feel in life. And on days when people think they’ve had a meaningful impact on others at work, they feel more energized at home and more capable of dealing with difficult situations.’”
This is one of the reasons I write.
And, one of the reasons I intend to write more.
When someone tells me that they were encouraged by these words, it fuels my soul. It is joy. The little things of the day impact me less.
I once told myself I don’t have time right now in life to post.
Truth is, I don’t have time not to.
Where is your wellspring? What fills you up?
- Is it a priority?
- What small step can you take today to ensure it’s part of your day?
- What small step can you take tomorrow?
Being strong.
Bouncing back.
Ready for whatever may come…
Doesn’t happen by accident.