Three Tools for Always-on Anxiety

Not sure about you, but I recently realized I'm carrying a bag-full-of-low-level-worry around pretty much all the time these days.

And, that is coming from someone who doesn't watch the news, rarely reads the newspaper, and gets what I know from 10 minutes of NPR driving back home after school drop-off.

I think it has something to do with macro-economics, mass shootings, war, political disfunction... you know... the normal.

I also think that 2020 showed me that the unthinkable is possible.

In a good way, all this disturbance is (hopefully) helping people see that the only way to make things better are if 1) we take action, and  2) we do it together.

But, in the meantime... I found myself needing some tactical tools to cope.

The Morning Pages
This practice was introduced by Julia Cameron in the book, The Artist's Way. It's widely recognized by everyone from Tim Ferriss to this person who penned this Zapier article as a highly effective means to mitigate anxiety as well as heighten creativity and drive clarity.

Clear the Clutter
Clearing your physical space is absolute magic. Don't overthink it... Marie Kondo it! Keep only what sparks joy and speaks to your heart. There are tips online for how to let go of the items you no longer need, her show Tidying Up is on Netflix, or read more on her website:

Move the Energy
Yes, that's right! Physical exercise that make you breathe hard and sweat will move that anxiety and worry outside of your container. Get your heart rate up for 20 minutes. You won't regret it.

What are your strategies? Let me know in the Comments.

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