When my son finds himself fighting some nerves or anxiety, the answer is simple.
We pray.
Sometimes we hold onto each other in the kitchen.
Sometimes, we pray open-eyed in the car on the way to school.
As I prepare today for a big trip to the other side of the world, our home is a little unsteady. A little unsure.
So today’s blog post is our prayer. Maybe it fits with a struggle you’re facing or will help you as you prepare to go into your day, as well. Maybe your “God” is different than mine, and this prayer still works – when we acknowledge a power and Spirit of Love that is outside of our human-ness…that is God.
Go before us into this day, Lord. You promise you will meet us. You know what this day holds. And, you won’t let us go alone.
Keep our heart open to what you have for us.
When we let go of our fear, we can feel your arms catch us. We can feel your hands on our back and your protection around us.
You are mightier than we could ever imagine we would be. And, we surrender our imaginary power so that we might receive yours instead.
While we are apart, Lord, through your mighty Spirit, we ask that you keep us connected. When one is happy, let the other feel it. When one is sad, let the other be reminded to lift them in prayer.
Lord, our relationship with you is a relationship with a real God. Today we trust these real feelings and real lives to that very real God.
Lord, let us be love in this world. Let us see beyond faces so that we may lift hearts.
In all things, let us honor you, Father. We are so grateful to know you.
[I’ll see all of you amazing people in a couple of weeks! Until then…bring the light and the love!]
Dear Amy,
Today your post was spot on for me as I prayed this morning for calm and clear mind. By reading your post and remembering about surrendering all to the universe, it makes me feel and reassure that if I want to be in control of something it should be exactly that: constantly letting go.
Have a blast wherever you’re today and before you know it, the Haworth clan will be together again.
Sending you the biggest hug ever!!!